Virginia Horse Retirement Homes Horse Retirement Farm In Virginia?

Horse retirement farm in Virginia? - virginia horse retirement homes

I have a 20 YO Saddlebred. We have had them 3rd In the last 3 years I have your package after 17 years he was in our house (we moved). I deserve no time for it and is very hard to pay your rent. I do not want to sell. I do not really trust the sale of its B / CI do not trust what might happen to him for his time and has not trained very well and she is lame b / c the crack in the hoof, all his life. I am pleased to see if I have a property that it will take to find it. But the only place I can find such a charge and can not afford to do that. I do not know what to do. I love them and can easily bear it any longer. Any advice would be appreciated.


stallhau... said...

To find an orthopedic riding. Many of these schools do not take more horses and a fee. If your horse loves people and children, a program to fit this very well. If you do not know what to do, such as physical therapy for mind and soul. Mount orthopedic give a child or an adult who does not stand a chance to roll dreams are for disabled people and horses are endless! If you can not find a question to a doctor, hospital, etc., which could help in your area to find the center.

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